Award-winning Therapy and Counselling
Openforwards CBT Therapy and Counselling is a professional psychology service in Birmingham, UK, and we help you improve your mental health, relationships and habits. Get in touch to book a consultation or speak to a therapist.
Evidence-based therapy & counselling in Birmingham or online
What is therapy?
When you’re struggling or feeling stuck, counselling and psychotherapy can help you find peace of mind and move your life forward. We can provide counselling and psychotherapy in Birmingham city centre and online.
Everyone needs support at some time in their life. Far from being a sign of weakness, reaching out for help is a mark of courage and adaptability.
Our expert therapists, psychologists and counsellors will give you the knowledge, skills and support to turn things around.
For what problems do we offer help?
Our outstanding practitioners can help with various psychological, emotional and behavioural difficulties. Typically, we work with anyone who wants to change their life.
We can help if you’re struggling with any of the following problems:
What type of therapies do you offer?
We specialise in offering evidence-based psychotherapies, including:
- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
- Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
- Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing (EMDR)
- Compassion-Focused Therapy (CFT)
- Systemic Family Therapy
- Single Session Therapy
How do I know if I need therapy?
It’s not often easy knowing if you need therapy. Here are some possible reasons why you might be unsure if you need counselling:
- My problems will get better in time.
- Sometimes I feel OK.
- There are many people far worse off than me.
- I’m not crazy, so why would I need therapy?
- Won’t talking about it make it worse?
- I’ve got some good friends. I can speak to them.
- I could read a self-help book or take a course.
- I know what I need to do. I just need to do it.
- What if therapy doesn’t work for me? Then what?
Deciding whether you need or want to start therapy is challenging. You don’t wake up thinking I want to begin therapy. It’s not like buying something you like.
Therapy requires an investment of time and money. It has an emotional cost, too; you’ll encounter painful emotions like fear, shame and sadness. And you have a lot to gain. By working with a therapist, you recognise that you need some help.
Asking for help when nothing else is working is true strength. It takes courage.
Are you ready to get in touch? Contact us to speak to a therapist or book a consultation for therapy or counselling in Birmingham.
Get in touch
Our team of Counsellors, Psychotherapists, and Psychologists in Birmingham are here to help you work through your anxieties to rest your mind and start focusing on the life you want to live.
How do I know if I am ready to start therapy?
Firstly, you need some stability. If you don’t have a safe place to live or an income, you’d be better off solving those problems first. Being ready is primarily about having some of your more basic needs met.
Secondly, does it feel necessary to make a change? If you look at the problem and think it’s not too bad, then you might not have enough motivation to start therapy. Many mental health problems persist because of how you manage them, e.g. avoidance. I’m not saying it’s your fault; far from it. Life can be very unfair, and there are always reasons why you suffer.
Pushing away discomfort is natural, but it often backfires and limits your life. Getting better requires behaviour change, which takes time. You’ll need to practise new strategies, persist with them even when you feel like giving up and be patient. Your therapist will be alongside you to help, but the investment has to feel worthwhile.
To determine whether it feels important enough, ask yourself this question: how would I be in 12 months if nothing changed? How bad would it be? Am I prepared to tolerate the same life? If the answer is no, then your motivation is higher.
Want to know more?
Our FREE Booklet will tell you almost everything you wanted to know about therapy.
How confident are you about change?
The third and final factor to help you assess your motivation is confidence. Do you know what you need to do? Have you identified the relevant skills that you’re missing? Do you know how to apply them effectively?
I suspect the answer is no. Otherwise, why would you be here reading this? That’s OK, though. It means you’re in the right place. Our expert psychologists and therapists in Birmingham city centre will work with you to understand your problems, discover what you want to change and teach you the skills to move forward.
How much does therapy cost in Birmingham?
The price of therapy in Birmingham ranges from free to over £100 per session. If you want free treatment, check out the list of local services below. While you can save money, you may have to wait many weeks or months because of the high demand for counselling.
If you can pay for therapy sessions, please note we charge £105 per session at Openforwards. We provide therapy and counselling in our Birmingham city centre offices and online. Our team of psychologists and therapists are highly skilled, and we can help you with a wide range of difficulties.
We only offer weekly or fortnightly appointments at the start. We do not provide monthly sessions because they are too infrequent to be helpful. However, once you have started practising the skills and noticing improvements, you can discuss meeting less frequently with your therapist.
Should I see a therapist if I have no issues?
If you feel happy, it makes little sense to see a therapist. However, it would be wise to see a therapist if you feel lost, stuck or struggling with your thoughts, feelings or habits.
A therapist can help you with the following issues:
- Identify what you want from life.
- Resolve conflict in relationships.
- Chronic anxiety, OCD or panic.
- Persistent or recurring low mood.
- Grief.
- Work-related stress or anxiety.
- Lack of confidence or low self-esteem.
- Process traumatic memories.
- Social anxiety or difficulties making friends.
- Living with an Autistic or neurodiverse identity.
- Addictions * (depending on the severity of the habit, you may require specialist addiction services).
- Anger Management.
- Lack of Assertiveness.
- Moral Injury.
- Persistent Shame and Self-Criticism.
- Travel Phobia.
- Loneliness.
- Unhealthy Perfectionism.
- Fear of leaving the house (agoraphobia).
What are the disadvantages of therapy?
Therapy cannot solve all problems. While it may benefit you to work through psychological distress or behavioural patterns, you may need to tackle your problems in other ways. For example:
- Financial / Debt Advice.
- Housing Support.
- Mental Health Crisis.
- Parenting Classes.
- Leaving an abusive or unsupportive home or work environment.
- Medical Treatment.
- Legal guidance.
- Immigration services.
- Educational Needs.
- Co-Dependency.
You can do therapy alongside seeking other resolutions. In some circumstances, you may need to resolve these problems before you start counselling.
Do I have a mental illness, or am I overreacting?
Therapy isn’t just for people who have had mental health diagnoses. In our experience, diagnoses have little utility (although neurodiversity assessments can be very helpful). While they may give you some clarity, they do little to solve the problem. Regardless of how you or others describe your struggles, if you want help and feel ready to begin, then get in touch. We’re here to help anyone who wants to make a change.
Is it OK to tell your therapist everything?
You don’t have to tell your therapist everything. Most people don’t. It takes time to get to know a person, including your therapist. It can be wise to go slow, opening up about your life at a pace that suits you.
Your therapist doesn’t want or need to know everything about you. Many people start therapy incorrectly, assuming they need to tell their therapist everything so they can help. However, off-loading every detail stops you and your therapist from working together effectively. Of course, they are interested in listening to your experiences. It just makes sense to focus on the parts of your life, past and present, that are relevant to your difficulties and what you want to achieve.
If your therapist thinks you are going too fast, e.g. telling them about your most painful traumatic memories quickly, they may slow you down. While talking about this experience can be incredibly powerful and healing, it’s wise to take time and prepare appropriately. Your therapist will help you do that.
Do you offer free therapy and counselling?
No. We do not receive government funding. You must pay for sessions, use health insurance or find an independent funder. There are therapy and counselling services in Birmingham that are free at the point of delivery. See the list below.
Free Therapy and Counselling in Birmingham
For a professional, personalised therapy service, get in touch. Speak to a therapist for guidance or book in immediately for an initial assessment or consultation. We don’t do talking therapy; we do doing therapy, and we are here to help you make every day count.
Get in touch
Our team of Counsellors, Psychotherapists, and Psychologists in Birmingham are here to help you work through your anxieties to rest your mind and start focusing on the life you want to live.