Therapy in Person Versus Online Therapy: A Detailed Insight
This article will provide a comprehensive overview of the advantages and disadvantages of in-person and online therapy.
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This article will provide a comprehensive overview of the advantages and disadvantages of in-person and online therapy.
Where can I find free therapy in Birmingham?
If you’re looking for free counselling or therapy in Birmingham at the point of delivery, you can contact several services.
A sense of impending doom is associated with heightened states of anxiety. Feeling anxious and on edge can seem confusing, especially when no real danger exists. In this article, we’ll explore the concept of anticipatory anxiety, which may trigger such gut feelings. We will investigate why you might have nightmares or always feel on guard, …
Finding the right therapist in Birmingham, UK or anywhere else can feel daunting. It's normal to fear opening up to someone new, especially when dealing with personal issues.
Why can’t I control my emotions? Some weeks can be difficult. Your emotions have felt out of control. You feel overloaded. There has been so much to sort out. You’ve done it all by yourself, and you feel all alone. The tension spills out. Panic and terror wash over like a tidal wave. You feel …
The Words that permit prejudice and stigma Introduction Many of the words that we use to describe human suffering simply do not work. They don’t work, because they label people as being different. And, they don’t work because they make people more frightened of those who are depressed or psychotic. And, when people are frightened …
Are you thinking about how therapy might help with your depression? Then you’ve come to the right place. Therapy has become an increasingly popular and effective method of treating depression. Understanding the advantages and differences between the various therapeutic techniques will help you choose the best option. In this article, we’ll explore my three …
Do you struggle with exercise? Does your motivation come in waves? Do you get caught up with thoughts that you can’t be bothered? In this episode, your host Jim Lucas talks about how to get motivated and stay committed to an effective exercise routine. He shares his challenges getting and staying committed to physical …
What is Self-help? Can it help? What sort of problems does it help you solve? The Self-help industry is enormous, which is a double-edged sword – there is a lot to choose from, and there is too much to choose from. How do you know what works? In this episode, your host Jim Lucas tells …
How can I control my depression and anxiety? Dennis felt desperate. He couldn’t believe what had happened in the last 12 months. He’d gone from being on top of his game to struggling to leave the house. What had gone wrong? A visit to the GP and the realisation hit him square in the face. The D-word! …